Eco-friendly EPDM rubber flat roof
with a 20 years' guarantee -
flat roofs that don't let you down™ . . .

EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) is a synthetic rubber. It is manufactured by blending EPDM processing oils and fillers with other additives.
The EPDM sheets are produced by feeding the mixture through a roller-head extruder before vulcanising, which is a chemical process that cures Hertalan's EPDM.
Hertalan's EPDM products are ecologically friendly and are produced and certified to the following UK, European and International Standards:
• BBA (British Board of Agrément) certification (91/2728)
• ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
• KOMO UEAtc K4276/03.
• ATG 1957.
• DIN 7864.
Quality control checks to are carried out during the production of Hertalan’s EPDM, and on the final product. These quality control checks include thickness, tensile strength and elongation, tear resistance, hardness and factory seam strength.
Unfortunately, there are inferior EPDM products on the market that do not undergo the same exhaustive manufacturing processes with such rigorous quality controls. These lower grade products can often be associated with DIY EPDM rubber flat roofs, and offer little or no guarantee - on materials or otherwise!
A 300gsm (gram-square-metre) non-woven, polyester fleece can be specified for additional protection between certain layers. For example, this could be to prevent an EPDM waterproof membrane from being in contact with any embedded chippings that might be on an existing roof deck.
The geo-textile, non-woven polyester fleece layer is a thicker and more resilient material than the pre-fixed fleece backing found on EPDM products, and offers higher levels of protection.
By having the option to specify a tough geo-textile polyester fleece layer with Hertalan’s EPDM synthetic rubber, our rubber flat roofs match – or even exceed – EPDM fleece backed products!
Problems that have been associated with badly installed EPDM rubber flat roofs are always preventable - our certified, experienced installers are constantly aware of this . . .
By combining proper preparation, the highest quality materials, and implementing the best possible working practices with their extensive knowledge, they consistently achieve the highest possible standards at all times.
Hertalan (UK) Limited is a member of the Hertel Group of companies.
Hertalan UK’s Dutch parent company was established in 1895 and is one of the oldest rubber manufacturers in the Netherlands. They were the first producers of EPDM in Europe over 40 years ago.
They are a continually innovative organisation and have developed a full range of market leading products, which include:
• EPDM rubber flat roofs' “easy fit” edge trim.
• A complete range of specially formulated roof adhesive and roofing tools.
• A rubber flashing which is an eco-friendly lead alternative. Also a range of specially developed EPDM flat roof accessories.
• An ecologically friendly alternative to PVC cladding and EPDM rubber DPC (damp proof course).
EPDM has been specified for over 40 years for commercial and domestic rubber flat roofs from the Arctic regions of northern Alaska to the humid climates of Central America.
It is successfully used on projects from the deserts of the Middle East to the continuous wet season areas of North Western USA. Every year that goes by adds to the global EPDM success story . . .
As trained, approved and certified installers for Hertalan we have to constantly meet their rigorous standards.
We are also subject to stringent installation quality control checks - on any EPDM project, and at any time!
All of our company's senior staff are fully trained by Hertalan (UK), having attended in-depth training at their purpose designed facility in Nottinghamshire.
We continually benefit from their immense knowledge and can obtain on-site advice and support as required.
We also utilise their comprehensive specification service that ranges from thermal insulation through to wind uplift calculations when necessary.
Hertalan's EPDM when used for rubber flat roofing, roof valleys, box gutters and green roof gardens has numerous features and benefits:
• “Cold application” - no potentially hazardous naked flames used during installation. The systems are also self extinguishing. NEN 6383.
• 20 years’ manufacturer's backed guarantee. We always use 1.5mm “industrial grade” EPDM on all projects.
• Exceptional proven life span of over 50 years. SKZ study, March 2001.
• No systematic maintenance is needed for our EPDM rubber flat roofs.
• A guaranteed, cost effective, long-term ecological investment in your property.
• Rapid installation with minimal disruption.
• Due to the long-term stability of Hertalan's EPDM it is possible to make future modifications to the flat roof area. Velux flat roof windows, Velux sky lights or even flat roof solar panels can be added when required!
• 5 BBA approved roof fixing systems - we can fit superb EPDM flat roofs virtually all year round!
• Resistant to ozone, UV, bitumen, moss, fungus and many chemicals.
• Immensely durable, permanent elasticity, high tensile strength and lightweight, with excellent temperature stability from -70 to +120°C.
• EPDM is a green building material. This is confirmed by Greenpeace International in their Building the Future: A Guide to Building Without PVC report (October 1996).
• Our rubber flat roof systems comply with all current building regulations.
• “Cold roof” or “warm roof” options are available.
A cold roof is where insulation, if fitted, is between the joists.
Our warm roof option is where insulation is fitted above the joists, being part of the actual EPDM flat roof construction.
A warm roof may need to be specified in certain areas of a building to conform to Building Regulations (Part L). This is achieved by using either Celotex "zero carbon" or EcoTherm PIR (polyisocyanurate) thermal insulation boards.
• Hertalan's EPDM rubber flat roof systems are fully compatible with all types of green roof gardens - extensive, semi-extensive/semi-intensive and intensive.
A green roof can greatly increase the life expectancy of a roof by providing additional protection – especially from frost and ultraviolet light - to the crucial roofing membrane.
They also provide excellent thermal and sound insulation, reduce the amount of storm water run-off and are great for wildlife.
A wide choice of planting options is possible. Sedums (a small fleshy-leaved ornamental plant with yellow, pink or white flowers) as plugs or blankets, turfs and hardy dwarf grasses, perennials, alpine plants, biologically diverse wildflowers, shrubs and herbs are all possible.

Green roofs can also help in gaining planning consent! This can is due to the role that they play in contributing to sustainability, enhancing local biodiversity and assisting sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). These are all important elements in local planning that authorities can favour.
In addition living roofs can speed up the process of gaining planning permission, thereby saving developers time and money! This is often achieved by providing a viable solution to environmental policy issues.
We always recommend before beginning any green roof garden project, that a qualified Structural Engineer assesses the existing building's suitability and integrity.
With new build projects the additional weight considerations should be factored in at the beginning of the design process - contact us for full specifications and to discuss your needs and wants . . .
We can provide designs and/or specifications for extensive (lowest maintenance, lowest weight), semi-intensive (more maintenance, medium weight) and intensive (most maintenance, most weight) green roof building projects.
Hertalan's EPDM rubber flat roof and green roof garden waterproofing systems are verified to the important European FLL and DIN 4062 standards, and are proven and certified to be 100% root resistant.
Hertalan EPDM is the ideal product to use in the following areas:
• Newly built and existing buildings.
• Balconies, verandas, dormers and porches.
• Garages and carports.
• Agricultural outbuildings and stables.
• Roof valleys and box gutters.
• Gazebos, pavilions, sheds - even mobile homes!
In fact in any flat roof area that requires an unparalleled level of weatherproofing.
EPDM is only intended for limited foot traffic. In frequently used areas we can supply and fit Hertalan’s economical, hard wearing, slip-resistant, recycled rubber “easy tiles”.
We comprehensively guarantee your investment in the highest quality, most cost effective and professionally installed EPDM rubber flat roof systems available!
Contact us today to arrange a convenient appointment for a FREE comprehensive site survey, professional advice and a no obligation quotation!
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Direct Lines: +44 (0)7546 934 015 | +44 (0)7519 504 181
23 Upper Bevendean Avenue | Brighton | Sussex | UK | BN2 4FG