5 BBA approved roof fixing systems. Manufactured to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Our approved installers can fit superb EPDM flat roofs at nearly any time of the year!
Hertalan's EPDM is designed for use with 5 BBA approved roof fixing systems. The choice of roofing systems enable us to select the most suitable roofing systems for all circumstances.
Due to this versatility we are able to fit superb EPDM rubber flat roofs at almost any time of the year!
Hertalan's EPDM products are ecologically friendly and are produced and certified to the following UK, European and International Standards:
• BBA (British Board of Agrément) certification (91/2728)
• ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
• KOMO UEAtc K4276/03.
• ATG 1957.
• DIN 7864/4062.
Ballasted roof fixing system. Hertalan's EPDM can be used for ballasted roofs, where the membrane is loose laid. The EPDM is weighted down and secured by a layer of selected shingle and/or slabs.
Hertalan's EPDM ballasted roof fixing system can also be used in “inverted roof” constructions. Either ballast or slabs, and Celotex “zero carbon” or EcoTherm PIR (polyisocyanurate) thermal insulation boards, are installed above the membrane. This methodology can also be combined with a green roof garden system, which naturally enhance thermal insulation.
The ballasted roofing systems can be used on both new and existing roofs. With the latter an additional protective layer of non-woven polyester may be necessary to prevent contact with any embedded chippings.
There is a limited use of adhesives in this roof fixing system, making installation in nearly all temperatures possible.
Mechanically fixed roofing system. A unique, specially designed membrane is used for this roofing system. “Secret flaps” of EPDM are hot bonded in the Hertalan factory to the underside of the EPDM membrane. This allows the use of mechanical fixings without the penetration of the weatherproof upper surface of the EPDM.
The spacing of the factory fitted flaps and the amount of roof fixings required are calculated by Hertalan. Several factors such as roof construction, local wind conditions, roof area and shape are taken into consideration.
Due to the stability of Hertalan's EPDM, and because of the nature of the fixings in this system, it is relatively easy to make future modifications to the flat roof. Velux flat roof windows, Velux sky lights or even solar panels can readily be added when required.
This roof fixing system can be installed in most weathers because of the limited amount of adhesives used.
Fully adhered and partially adhered roof fixing systems. The choice of either of these options is determined by several factors, including the construction type, area and shape of the roof, combined with wind-lift calculations.
It is reasonably easy to make future alterations to this type of EPDM rubber flat roof, due to this system's fixing characteristics. Future modifications could include flat roof windows, Velux sky lights or solar panels.
Green roof gardens' roofing systems. Hertalan's EPDM is totally resistant to root penetration in accordance with DIN 4062 and European FLL standards.
It can be used in every type of green roof garden situation - extensive (lowest maintenance, lowest weight), semi-intensive (more maintenance, medium weight) and intensive (most maintenance, most weight).
“Live roofs” can greatly increase the life expectancy of the roofing membrane by providing substantial additional protection from weathering.
Green roof gardens also provide excellent thermal and sound insulation, reduce the amount of storm water run-off and are great for wildlife.
They might even help in gaining planning permission for some building projects!
The Hertalan green roof system incorporates a drainage layer, a non-woven polyester layer, substratum and the planted eco system. In a lightweight extensive roof the substratum and the eco system can be combined into a special vegetation layer.
There is a limited use of adhesives in this roofing system, which makes it suitable for installation in nearly all weathers!
All of the systems comply with all current building regulations.
Flat roof insulation. It is possible to combine any of the 5 BBA approved systems with either a “cold roof” or a “warm roof”.
A cold roof is where insulation is fitted between the joists.
Our warm roof option is where insulation is fitted above the joists, being part of the actual EPDM flat roof construction.
A warm roof may need to be specified in certain areas of a building to conform to Building Regulations (Part L). This is achieved by using either Celotex “zero carbon” or EcoTherm PIR (polyisocyanurate) thermal insulation boards.
Which is the most suitable of the 5 BBA approved systems for your best flat roof? Contact us today to find out . . .
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23 Upper Bevendean Avenue | Brighton | Sussex | UK | BN2 4FG
Email: info@green-flat-roofs.com